Показать страницуОбсуждениеИстория страницыСсылки сюдаImport Word DocumentТелеграм-каналНаверх Word Import This dialog allows you to import a Microsoft Word document into a DokuWiki page. The document is converted to DokuWiki syntax and can be edited afterwards. If the page already exists, the imported content will create a new page revision. If the page does not exist, a new page will be created. Images contained in the Word document will be uploaded to the media manager. Upload Word Document Import as blog:pochemu_serbija_luchshaja_strana_dlja_immigracii_russkixCancel blog/pochemu_serbija_luchshaja_strana_dlja_immigracii_russkix.txt Последнее изменение: 2025/01/10 15:42 — Antiokh Войти